Friday, December 30, 2016

Hot Web App Frameworks, Languages & Libraries for 2017

JavaScript is the lingua franca of the modern web. It surely feels like it is the new assembly language for the web browsers as well as the back-end servers, and most recently for our desktops.

Having said that, the following are some of the interesting frameworks, languages, libraries, tools, etc related with web development that you may find interesting. Some of them should be definitely on our tech radars.


1) Angular 2: One of the most active front-end web application frameworks out there.
Web site:

2) React: A JS library for building interactive UIs. It is basicly the "View" of the common MVC model.
Web site:

3) Meteor: It is still one of my favorite platforms to build full-stack JS apps.
Web site:

4) Vue.js: This is another JS framework to build web apps, simple and performant.
 Web site;

5) Aurelia: Yet another framework to build powerful web applications.
Web site;


1) Dart: This is an application programming language for the web as well as the back-end development. The language has become quite powerful over the years.
Web site:

2) TypeScript: Awesome language to bring types to JS world.
Web site:

3) Elm: A nice language for the web app development
Web site:

4) CoffeeScript: This little language is not new but great way to develop web apps.
Web site:

Libraries, Tools and more:

1) Falcor: A library for efficient data fetching
Web site:

2) GraphQL: A query language for APIs
Web site:

3) D3.js: Great data visualization library for data-driven documents.
Web site:

4) Three.js: A 3D rendering library for the web.
Web site:

5) Marko: High performance template engine
Web site:

6) npm & yarn: Package managers for the JavaScript using Node JS.
Web sites: and

7) Tern: A stand-alone code analysis engine for JS.
Web site:

8) Electron: Build cross platform desktop apps.
Web site:

Monday, December 26, 2016

Top 10 Java Libraries and Frameworks to Pay Attention in 2017

1) RxJava: Part of the ReactiveX library for composing asynch and event-based programs using observables.
Web site:

2) Lombok: A library that helps to reduce the boilerplate code.
Web site:

3) Java Spark: A micro-framework for creating the web applications.
Web site:

4) Apache Spark: It is a general-purpose cluster computing system which provides lightening fast cluster computing.
Web site:

5) Retrofit: A library that turns HTTP API into a Java interface.
Web site:

6) Java GraphQL: Java implementation of the GraphQL.
Web site:

7) JavaFX: The rich client platform for Java.
Web site:

8) Sql2o: Small java framework that makes it easy to execute SQL statements on a JDBC compliant  database.
Web site:

9) Speedment: It is a stream ORM Java toolkit and runtime.
Web site:

10) OrientDB: A distrubuted graph database engine (integrates well with Java)
Web site:

Saturday, November 05, 2016

Cool Site for Kids

My son and I recently visiting this site frequently. He seems to enjoy it a lot :)